Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Commentary on "Moving To Canada? . . . Seriously?"

Chad is definitely one of the most insightful bloggers I have met. I think those people that are confessing about moving to Canada due to the presidential election are just afraid of change. I bet if Senator Obama were to succeed, those inconsiderate jerks that were going to move to Canada would stay.

When Chad states, "I'm sure that they are trying to make a bold statement, but attempting to do so in an extremely ineffective, irrational way. Running away from a situation that opposes a given groups' opinion shows fear and instability." I couldn't have written that any better. I feel that the way people respond or react to change is quite ridiculous sometimes.

I really liked the way how he emphasized PEOPLE in caps and labeling it as a key term because that is what really defines our nation. To be honest, people that complain and don't go outside to voice their opinion are labeled as cowards personally to me. Go out to do something! Don't cause a riot for your cause, but at least something productive.

I agree with all of Chad's post, it is very much a pleasure to read. His post makes me feel as if I want to get out and tell everyone to act as if they are a part of this nation and step forward for our country. The huge future of our country is in the hands of the PEOPLE. Being ignorant and avoiding the situation by moving to Canada is definitely a big no. Leaving the country is not a productive move, we have to take action to actually get out of our couch and get out making our country a better place. That is definitely what I would say.

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