Thursday, October 30, 2008

America's Education

Obviously the presidential election is getting all the attention right now, but I'm here to approach a different topic. America should be alarmed by the new data revealing that our country's education is losing ground compared to other competitors.

America used to be one of the top leading schools and now it has fallen behind to other countries dramatically. This country is part of the industrial world so we should strive to be the best in it, not decline in it.

I don't think most American parents realize how bad our education system is compared to other nations because they either don't want to believe it or are blind to it. If they were able to see the actual numbers comparing our graduation rates to other countries, I think that parents would open their eyes to improving our country’s education. Other problems dealing with presidential elections or the Iraq matter pulls people away from the problem within our own country.

Some people have noticed this matter and the U.S. government has issued the "No Child Left Behind Act" before to improve these rates, but personally to me it doesn't "help" our education at all. Due to the younger generation not striving in school, I feel as if they have numbed our education so that they could pass. I even feel as if the U.S. government disguises our graduation rate numbers with drop outs that receive G.E.D.S.

I think our country should really step up and improve our education system by keeping an eye on our education more attentively and spend more to improve our children and country as a whole. Our country has been masking our statistics and doing little to help our schools for quite some time and now we are paying the price.


bighickjaw07 said...

You are correct on the fact that one time we were the best of the best in education, and now we are slacking. The "No child left behind act" did not improve our school system it made it worse. They brought kids who didn't worry about school to schools that were doing well and kicked thransfer students out of that school that went their for the better education. I don't see why their should have been a big deal on the fact we might have a black president but we should more focus on why our school system is sucking ass. Our colleges are among the top in the world but our k-12 are dropping off. We don't need to allow drop outs. That is one big thing that should be changed, then how we tech the subject, and a big improvement would be how much we pay our teachers.

Najib said...

I totally agree about this I mean other countries are more educated strict than the U.S. I think the US should be taking note of this as well as the parents because you're kids might grow up not having a good education compared to other people. I think that our education system is lacking as of now because they are just making people go to school from k-12. I also urge the government to take action to this situation. America is one of the greatest countries for education and needs to continue to pursue in education. Education is the key and future to success.